
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

If I Just Had a Place to Put All of This STUFF!

I've never really had a good place to keep all of crafting supplies. Most of the time I have stuff all over the house! I have dreamed of having my own space, that I can decorate, furnish and create in, that doesn't have to be cleaned up every time I have to leave my "little space of crafting paradise". But alas, this is not the case.  This weekend I got upset with the mess and decided it was time to clean up. I love to work on projects in the evening while "the boys" watch TV, etc. so, of course I have to keep things close by - I wouldn't want to have to get up and go get something, for pity sake!   Can't believe I'm actually going to show you my "before" picture...
See what I mean!  What a mess, no wonder I couldn't get anything finished. So I started, sorting, tossing and rearranging, and now I at least have a presentable space to store my bits and pieces and work on my current projects. It's not perfect...but I'm not too embarrassed by it now. I hope that some day soon I can get our basement cleaned up so I have a much bigger place to have all of my wonderful crafts. What type of space do you have to do your crafting?


  1. Looks awesome! I love crafting in my office but I also tend to 'dump' the junk in there too. So before I can do anything I spend 20 minutes cleaning. But maybe that just gets the creative juices flowing. :)

  2. An amazing transformation. I transformed Jon's bedroom (he's 37 and happily married and won't be moving home any time soon) into a "Girl Cave." It's small. Nothing fancy. But I have all my pretty fabrics in rainbow color order on shelves, and places for my books and supplies. And I use the closet for my Etsy and craft fair inventory. Here's a link to an old blog post about my space:

  3. My space for crafting changes as children move out..then back in again. LOL I find that one tall wardrobe cabinet and a series of several baskets allows me to take it to whatever space I feel like working in at the time or have available to me. That wardrobe has been in 2 different rooms in the last 18 months and now resides in the garage waiting for the next child to move out! As long as I can get to it, I'm okay with that...but truth be known, I can't wait to take over what is now a bedroom and convert it to my yarn room again!
    Tracy Ann from and

  4. Hi, Helen! I nominated you for Liebster Award! Pop over to check the details! :)

    1. Thank you Chelsea. I hope I prove worthy of an award.

  5. Like you my dream would be to have a craft room or even a craft shed where I could just work on my things and then leave them as they are without having to put everything away. I've been crafting on my dinner table which, as you can imagine, is not ideal as everything needs to be put away before each meal.

    1. Hi Paula, Wouldn't a shed be wonderful! Just think of all the fantastic things you could create. I really like your macrame bracelets. Looking forward to following your blog.
