
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two-Word Tuesday

Spring Flowers

Spring in Kanas City is filled with beautiful flowers: daffodils, tulips, forsythia, pansies, magnolia, Bradford Pear Trees and the beautifully magnificent Red Bud Trees.

I love Red Bud Trees

My husband and I plant at least 50-75 new bulbs each fall and anxiously await the Spring profusion of blooms.  My favorite has to be daffodils.  Even on cloudy days, that burst of yellow always makes me smile and it seems like no matter how many I plant
I always want to plant more.  
I would fill the world with
Spring color if I could.

All of the pictures here are from my yard or
from the park area behind our home
where we have started scattering bulbs
and wild flower seeds.
So far no one seems to mind that
we are helping Mother Nature along
just a bit

The wild violets have been moved from house to house.
I have collected them from the trails I walk around Overland Park.
They are very happy under the cluster of trees at the back of
our lot(actually it's really part of the park).  I have pure white, purple,  blue purple, red purple and even a yellow one
 from my sister's garden.  I look for them
everywhere I walk, I usually carry a big spoon and baggies
with me just in case I have to transplant from one
natural area to another.....don't tell on me!

I can hardly believe that these pansies are re-blooming from last year.  They are on my
front porch in big pots.  Nothing else that was planted in the pots lived through the winter, but
these little guys made it and have decided to brighten some otherwise pretty shabby looking pots.
I don't wan to disturb them by planting anything else just yet.  Think I'll give them a few more weeks.

What are your favorite Spring Flowers?


  1. Ahhh! SO pretty!!! Love those deep purple pansies!

  2. Thank you....I couldn't believe when the pansies started blooming again this year! What a treat.
