
Monday, August 12, 2013

Arts and Crafts

It feels like I've read a million words or more on blogging; what and what not to article that has bothered me since reading it, basically said that if you blog about arts and crafts you shouldn't say you blog about arts and crafts, instead you should use the phrase Artisan Entrepreneur, not that I have anything against fancy names, but, la-de-da shut the door and give me a crown!  Forgive me if I shun the vernacular of the day, I AM a DIY arts and crafts person, always have been and always will be and I'm proud of it.  

So, now that I have that off my chest and have finally decided I'm going to stop trying to be what someone else says I should be, it's time to get on with things.

After all these years I am finally going to take a class in running an Arts and Crafts business.  I've been doing this for decades and have never consulted an expert on how to manage the business end of what I do.  I believe the biggest challenge we all face in this line of work is how to price the items we create.  Crochet, knit, quilts, hand-made jewelry, whatever you create, takes time, energy, thought and there are expenses involved (sometimes, a lot of expenses) and that elusive component...creative talent.  If we are to sell our creations at a fair price to everyone, we have to include every facet.  At least that's what I think.  This is a struggle with each item I create and I don't think I've ever gotten it right.  I believe I price too low because the majority of the people I have sold to are friends and I don't want them to spend too much.  But, is that fair to me and all the time I have put into an item?

I am looking forward to this class; it starts August 21st, on-line through
Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, KS, and runs 6 weeks

Week One

*finding your own niche
*choosing a business name

Week Two

*work space options
*setting up the workspace

Week Three

*creating a marketing strategy

Week Four

*how to be a salesperson
*getting your crafts to the marketplace

Week Five

*selling retail
*craft shows

Week Six

*setting up for a successful craft show
*teaching your craft

I'm very excited to take these classes and so happy they are on-line.  I suppose it seems a bit backwards to be taking classes now for what I've been doing for decades; but I think it's cool and will re-ignite my passion for my crafts and hopefully help me sell a few more.  Can't believe I'll be taking quizzes, doing projects and taking a final!  It's been a long time since I've done that...I'll let you know how it goes.

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