
Monday, April 15, 2013

Where Do I Begin?

Social Media vs. Creative Time

I have yet to find a comfortable balance between the time I spend being social and the time I spend creating what I want to be social about.  Everything I make is made just by me, I'm not  part of a group, I don't have any helpers plus I have 40+-hour a week job outside my home and a family.  So I struggle daily with how much time I devote to blogging, tweeting, pinning, instagram and Facebook (I'm on Google+ but I haven't had time to figure out what that is yet)...and then there is the time I spend reading the blogs I follow.  

So when do I create?  If I don't have anything to promote, why spend the time trying to promote it and if I don't promote, why bother creating?

I know if I want to get anywhere making a brand/name for myself, I must promote, advertise, be social, get my "stuff" out there.  It's daunting and  I do wonder sometimes if I'm just chasing an elusive dream...

For as long as I can remember I have always been creative; and I have over the years dabbled in promotion and sales; craft fairs, home far word-of-mouth has been my best source of customers.  But, what do I do if I want more, want to be bigger, reach a larger audience, really make a difference in the number people talking about my work and ultimately of buying customers?

Today with all of the social media venues; and the relatively cheap cost of using them, the opportunities  are truly endless.  As I get further into social media I am learning how to make one "click" work in more than one  place at a time and that is a HUGH step - the 'ole work smarter not harder!

But even as I type this post, I can hear that stash of yarn over there calling me and the headbands that aren't finished (and are already sold!); and then there's the jewelry I'm fixing for a friend and the pendant that needs a necklace, and the hair bows, the shopping totes, the purses, the doll clothes.....I could go on and on and on.  Yes, I feel as tho I'm in a revolving, where do I begin?

Any suggestions?

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